Project Descriptions & Downloadable Samples

Take a look at some of our works-in-progress and completed projects below.


Marketing Plan / Business Assessment Project [October – December 2018]

Client database creation, e-mail promotion proposals, existing website upgrades, new website recommendations, and “prospecting” suggestions / social media management. [1 page overview PDF]

Autobiography Editing Project [March 2017 – December 2019]

Comprehensive revisions of a 120-page first draft manuscript. [2 page excerpt PDF]

Regional Competitive Medical Spa Market Assessments [2012, 2014, & 2016]

Multiple contracted projects to evaluate business prospects in three client-specified metropolitan areas. [10 page excerpt PDF]

Medical Spa Facility Database [2006 – 2015]

Excerpt from a cumulatively updated 435-facility database with 35 fields including: Name, address, phone, e-mail, website, number of locations, licensed staff, procedures, products, and notes. [10 item sample PDF (without contact information)]

Fitness Tracker & Watch Markets [2015]

Excerpt from one of’s 40+ published market reports. [11 page excerpt PDF]

Voter Telephone Survey Report – Sample [2012]

Evaluation of city residents’ potential support for a property tax increase to support bus transportation services. (Referred by the Transportation District Survey client per below). [4 page excerpt PDF]

Transportation District Survey Report - Sample [2008]

Findings overview of data gathered during a four-week, in-person survey of 600 bus passengers on six routes. Results were presented to a panel of agency executives and managers. Comparative / relational analysis of new and past findings. [4 page excerpt PDF]

Marketing / Promotional Copy

Fitness Tracker & Watch Market Report - Press Release [2015]

Newsworthy market estimates and publication details. [1 page PDF (revised 2017)]

Med Spas Market Potential Reports - Press Release [2014]

Brief market overview and a partnership / new service announcement for physician-owned and start-up medical spa businesses. [2 page PDF (original)]